Sunday, February 8, 2015

C4T Summaries

                                                      The Adventures of Library Girl 

          In the blog titled "The Art of Listening", she explains that she collected data by asking a group of people on the first day of school what they want from their school library. The data collected showed that they want an improvement of the space, the atmosphere, and "suggestions focusing on the purpose of the library"("The Art of Listening", 2014). She explains that she needs to take these things into account and better improve the teacher and the student's experience in the library.

         In another post titled, "27 Ways to Make This The Best Year Ever", she lists the ways that teachers can improve their experience throughout the year. She took her examples from several different instructors. She was so pleased with the results, she decided to do it again. She says that she has in a way "gone back to school", in that she has learned many new things in the ways of teaching.

The Adventures of Library Girl

Jenny's Learning Journey

                      In the blog post that I read, Mrs. She was talking about her students taking to the technological assignment and being proactive with it. One of her students showed great enthusiasm on the subject. She was taking the skills she learned from the lesson and doing something on her own. That, to me, is what being a teacher is all about. I commented on her blog saying that I loved her story, and that being an educator means teaching a child to prepare to rely on themselves successfully.

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